
Marialaura Borgognoni

Born in 1979 into a family of artists, I live and work in Italy. I’m graduated in architecture, but the eclectic character and a great passion for the arts allow me to train and work also as a graphic designer, light designer, dancer and choreographer. I’m approach photography starting with an analog camera.  

The space-time decontextualization and abstraction, the search for rhythm in the subjects represented are the fulcrum of my photographic work, which derives from a dynamic approach to space, in which reorganization and reinterpretation processes come into play. Photography allows me to show a dimension where the impression of reality can merge with a dream projection, connecting more with the emotional sphere than the rational or narrative one. 

Awards 2022

  • Annual Photography Awards – 3rd Prize
  • Annual Photography Awards - Honorable Mention
  • ReFocus Awards One Shot Photo Contest - Silver Winner
  • IMACRES Awads - Honorable Mention
  • Monochrome Awards - Honorable Mention
  • URBAN Photo Awards Trieste Photo Days - Finalist
  • MonoVisions Photography Awards – Honorable Mention
  • Italian Street Photography Festival - Finalist
  • 8th FAPA Awards - 1st place

Awards 2021

  • Annual Photography Awards - Street Photographer of the Year - 1st place
  • Annual Photography Awards - Honorable Mention
  • ND Awards - 2nd place
  • ND Awards - Honorable Mention
  • BIFA - Gold Winner
  • MonoVisions Photography Awards - Honorable Mention
  • 7th FAPA Awards – Nominee

Publications & Exhibitions

  • Photography in the Visual Culture 22/23, Serradifalco Editore
  • URBAN unveils the City and its Secrets – Vol. 08
  • IMACRES Awards Annual Book 2022
  • Centro Internazionale di Fotografia, Palermo - Photography in the Visual Culture 22/23 Collective Exhibition
  • Officine Fotografiche, Roma - Finalist Photos Exhibition